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Hotel and Travel Information

Hotel Information:

Primary Hotel - DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Spokane City Center

Hotel Exterior

322 North Spokane Falls Court
Spokane, WA 99201
Phone: (509) 455-9600

The DoubleTree Hotel currently has NO AVAILABILITY for the night of Tuesday, October 22. If you will be needing a hotel room for the night of October 22, you will need an alternate hotel. If you do NOT need the night of October 22, then you will be fine booking at the DoubleTree. 

A block of rooms is available starting Saturday, October 19 and running through Tuesday, October 22, 2024. Room rates are $165/night plus tax for single, double, or suites. Complimentary WiFi and 50% off parking will be provided.

Reservations can be made by using this Booking Link or calling 1-800-HILTONS and using the code NOWRA

The cut-off date to book a room in the conference block is Thursday, September 19, 2024.

 Alternate Hotel - The Davenport Grand Hotel

333 West Spokane Falls Boulevard
Spokane, WA 99201
Phone: (509) 458-3330

A block of rooms is available starting Friday, October 18 and running through Wednesday, October 23, 2024. Room rates are $165/night plus tax for single or doubles.

Reservations can be made by using this Booking Link or calling 1-509-458-3330 and using the code NOWRA 2024 MEGA-Conference. A discount on parking will be provided. 

The cut-off date to book a room in the conference block is Sunday, September 29, 2024.

Davenport Note: A destination fee charge may appear on your reservation per night for the Davenport Grand, but it will be removed upon check-in. It is a glitch with their system. See attached memo from the hotel for more information.


A Note on Third-Party Calls: If you receive an email or a phone call from a 3rd party group claiming to sell hotel rooms for NOWRA's Mega-Conference, these groups are not associated with nor authorized to make hotel arrangements for our conference attendees. 


Air Travel Information:

The hotels and Spokane Convention Center are located just 8 miles from Spokane International Airport (GEG). GEG is serviced by Alaska, Allegiant, American, Delta, Southwest, and United Airlines.

Ground Travel Information:

There is NO shuttle service available for the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Spokane City Center or Davenport Grant Hotel. You will need to use taxi, Uber, or Lyft service for transportation from the airport to the hotel.

Explore Spokane:

Check out great deals from a variety of restaurants and other local tourist attractions on the Visit Spokane website.
In 1974, Spokane became the smallest city in history to host the World’s Fair. As an environmentally focused event, the Spokane World’s Fair sparked a transformation in the heart of our city that became the catalyst for sustainable growth in our region.To find out more about the celebration visit the Expo 50 Spokane website. 

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