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Onsite Wastewater Mega-Conference

See you in Spokane October 20-23! 

Just Added: The Emerging Professionals Scholarship Golf Tournament!

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This will be the Onsite Event of the year!

The Onsite Wastewater Mega-Conference is a national, collaborative effort between the National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (NOWRA), the National Association of Wastewater Technicians (NAWT), and the State Onsite Regulators Association (SORA). 

The Mega-Conference is the largest event of its kind and offers onsite/decentralized professionals the highest quality education and training available.

The 2024 Onsite Wastewater Mega-Conference will be held October 20 - 23, 2024 in Spokane, Washington at the Spokane Convention Center, in cooperation with NOWRA's state affiliates, the Washington On-Site Sewage Association (WOSSA) and the Oregon Onsite Wastewater Association (O2WA).

In recognition of the 50th anniversary of Expo '74 in Spokane, WA, the first environmentally-focused World's Fair, the Mega-Conference theme for 2024 is:

Celebrating Tomorrow’s Environment: Clean Water for the Future

Join us as early as Saturday, October 19 to take part in a golf tournament that will support NOWRA’s Emerging Professionals Scholarship Fund.

The conference will open with detailed updates on EPA activities, NOWRA's current research initiatives, NOWRA's lobbying activities before Congress, and perspectives from industry thought leaders. The conference will feature multiple tracks of technical sessions with potential to earn continuing education credits, a busy exhibitor’s hall, an oral and poster presentation contest for emerging professionals, an optional social event on Monday evening, and an optional full-day field trip on Wednesday.

City of Spokane

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