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Honoring SepticSmart Week

NOWRA encourages other onsite wastewater organizations to join us in observing SepticSmart Week by raising awareness about the importance of proper septic system maintenance and care. 

Reach out to your local health regulators, realtors, newspapers, teachers, or government officials. Tell them that proper septic system care and maintenance can save money, safeguard health, and protect the environment. Then ask them to share the EPA’s SepticSmart tips!

  • Protect It and Inspect It!
  • Think at the Sink!
  • Don’t Overload the Commode!
  • Pump Your Tank!
  • Don’t Strain Your Drain!
  • Shield Your Field!
  • Keep It Clean!

Earlier this summer, NOWRA's board of directors signed a proclamation in honor of SepticSmart Week. Encourage your organization and local government officials to do the same.

The EPA has many engaging SepticSmart materials for the public to use and disseminate, from videos and social media graphics to door-hangers for realtors and printouts for rental property guests. These resources can all be found at https://www.epa.gov/septic/septicsmart.

Looking for new resources to share with the public?

Check out NOWRA’s Homeowner Education Course! 

This online training module is a more interactive way to learn about the basics of septic system operation and maintenance. It is a free resource, but users must create an account on NOWRA’s Online Learning Academy at https://www.pathlms.com/nowra/courses/59159#.

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