Courses Developed by NOWRA State Affiliates
The following NOWRA State Affiliates also offer online training classes which are approved for continuing education credit in their state. Several more NOWRA Affiliated State Associations are developing courses for their use as well, so watch this space. Check with the state affiliate for the most up to date list of courses.
Missouri Smallflows Organization (MSO)
Ohio Onsite Wastewater Association
- O&M, Sampling & Wastewater Overview – Dr. Sara Heger (1.75 hours)
- Design & Installation with O&M Considerations – Jeremiah Gunia (1.25 hours)
- Operational Start-up – Jeremiah Gunia (0.5 hours)
- Challenging Wastewater & Changing Water Usage – Dr. Sara Heger (1.25 hours)
- Introduction to Aerobic Treatment Units – Dr. Sara Heger (0.5 hours)
- Troubleshooting Aerobic Treatment Units – Jeremiah Gunia (1.25 hours)
- Introduction to Media Filters – Dr. Sara Heger (1 hour)
- Troubleshooting Media Filters – Jeremiah Gunia (0.5 hours)
- Compaction: The Enemy of System Longevity – Dr. Sara Heger (1 hour)
- Troubleshooting Pumps & Controls – Jeremiah Gunia (1 hour)
- Inspection & Troubleshooting Septic Tanks – Dr. Sara Heger (1.25 hours)
- Effective Communication – Jeremiah Gunia (0.5 hours)
- Impacts from Water Treatment Devices & Microplastics – Dr. Sara Heger (0.75 hours)
- Service Provider Alternative O&M Training Program for Pretreatment Products (13.75 hour bundle)
Texas Onsite Wastewater Association (TxOWA)
- Pathogens in Wastewater – John Thomas (1 hour)
- Past, Present and Future of Wastewater – Dr. BruceLesikar, P.E. (1 hour)
- Future of On-Site in Texas – John Blount, P.E. (1 hour)
- Low Pressure Dosed Drainfields – Dr. John Buchanan (2 hours)
- Roles in Wastewater Infrastructure – Dr. Robert Rubin (1 hour)
- DOT Safety Talk – Sgt. Jim Galyean, Texas DPS
- Confined Space Entry for Workers in the On-Site Industry – Chuck Ahrens
- OSSF Pollutants in the Dispersal Area – Dr. Sergio Abit
- Your Septic System on Drugs – Dr. John Buchanan
- Drip System Maintenance – Prochaska and Morgan
- Ethics of On-Site Design by a Regulator – Brandon Couch
- Riser Access and Safety – Claude Goguen, P.E.
- When Do You Need to Pump? – Roxanne Groover, P.E.
- Legislative, Regulatory and Industry Direction – Randy Chellette
- Changing Wastewater and Usage – Dr. Sara Heger
- Electrical Power Outages and Floods – Dr. Bruce Lesikar, P.E.
- Sub-Surface Drip Installation Methods – James Prochaska, P.E.